Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Saturday off

Yesterday I had the day off of work, so I tried to organize a hiking/geocaching expedition to include some folks I don't usually get to hike with since my normal day off is Monday. Well, everyone ended up having other things come up so it was just me and my usual hiking buddy, Sherrie.

The hike I planned first required a drive up into the mountains to get to where we could hike. Not a whole lot of elevation change on the hike itself - we started at about 9300 feet and got to around 9750 at the top of Ormes Peak. A few of the aspen have started to change, but we're still a few weeks away from peak color. We found two caches on top of Ormes Peak. If you're unfamilar with geocaching, check out this site:

This photo of Pikes Peak was taken from the summit of Ormes Peak.

We saw quite a bit of wildlife including blue grouse, mountain chickadees, mountain bluebirds and Colorado chipmunks. Oh, and a ton of ladybugs on top of the peak.
This is one of the mountain chickadees.

We ended up hiking 8.5 miles, which I think was our second longest hike this season.

Happy Trails!!

1 comment:

Bug Eric said...

Great pictures! It looks like it was a wonderful hike!