On Monday, Sherrie and I headed back up to Green Mountain Falls to finish a cache along the Catamount Trail that we started 2 weeks ago and also do a couple other caches. We were close to the first cache last time, before being chased down by a storm. With the owner's assurance that we were in the right place, we started searching again. The cache was hidden in a rock crevice. We climbed up into the crevice about 10 feet, and then I climbed up onto a 4'x4' ledge that had an nice "window" to the outside, letting in lots of light. I found the cache tucked into a crace by that ledge, hidden by some smaller rocks. I was replacing the cache, when one of those rocks (about 6" diameter) started falling out. This part happened really fast, but I believe I tried to catch it and instead it smashed my finger against the rock wall. It continued down the crevice, luckily missing Sherrie, who was below me. We climbed back out of the crevice, and I took this picture of my finger:
I decided I wanted to continue on our hike and we did so. The valley we were in is called "Garden of Eden" and is aptly named. It's gotta be the prettiest place I've ever hiked. The trail goes up the valley, following a stream all the way to South Catamount Reservoir on the side of Pikes Peak. Here are some other (prettier) pictures from the hike:
A fritillary butterfly
A buck in velvet
South Catamount Reservoir with Pikes Peak in the background.
I was going to write more details of the hike, but my finger's making it tedious to type.
The Golden Years
10 years ago
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